
Use the Browser component to get a sense of how your web designs respond to scrolling, window resizing, and living within the context of a browser.

Connecting your designs

First, connect a frame with your design to the Browser component. Then, choose Safari or Chrome in the Properties Panel to switch between browsers for your prototype.


Change the URL in the address bar by adjusting it in the Properties Panel. If a favicon is detected for the given URL, it will render in the Browser component. A page title is derived from the URL domain name, but can also be overridden in the Page Title field.

Live Site Mode

Enable “Live Site” mode to render a real website for a given URL. Adjusting the size of the Browser component will honor any responsive behavior for the website. When in Preview mode, the Browser also has a functioning URL address bar.

⚠️ This feature is limited to certain websites. URLs from major websites (like aren’t supported. If nothing appears to be loading, it's likely due to cross-origin restrictions.


Use the WebView subcomponent to embed iframe content within your designs.

⚠️ This feature is limited to certain websites. URLs from major websites (like aren’t supported. If nothing appears to be loading, it's likely due to cross-origin restrictions.

Property Description
url: string The URL to load in the iframe